Mesuriadau Diogelwch Cofid

Quaeck's • 19 June 2020

Mae'r pandemig coronafirws wedi gwneud bywyd yn anghyfarwydd ac, yn aml iawn yn anodd.
Hoffem anfon ein cydymdeimlad at unrhyw un sydd wedi colli rhywun annwyl cyn eu hamser yn ystod yr argyfwng byd-eang hwn. Mewn ymgais i ddychwelyd yn ôl i bywyd arferol yn raddol, mae llywodraethau y DU yn gweithredu newidiadau i gyfyngiadau cloi mewn ymgais i ailgychwyn yr economi sydd wedi aros yn llonydd am chwarter blwyddyn.

Heddiw, cyhoeddodd llywodraeth Cymru y gall siopau manwerthu di-hanfodol agor o’r 22ain o Fehefin, ar yr amod eu bod wedi cyflwyno mesuriadau diogelwch er mwyn cyfyngu ar ledaeniad y firws. Er ein bod yn cael ein dosbarthu fel manwerthwyr 'cartref a dodrefn' ac felly wedi cael agor am ychydig wythnosau bellach, roeddem yn teimlo bod angen amser arnom i weithredu ein mesuriadau diogelwch yn drylwyr er mwyn gwneud Quaeck's yn amgylchedd cofid saff i'n cwsmeriaid a'n staff.

Mae'n bleser gennym gyhoeddi y bydd Quaeck's yn ailagor ei ddrysau i'r cyhoedd ar 22ain o Fehefin, ar ôl bod ar gau am y tro cyntaf yn ein hanes 70 mlynedd. Bydd ein horiau agor fel yr oeddent o'r blaen, ond bydd hyn yn cael ei adolygu'n gyson.

Amseroedd Agor

Llun: 9yb - 5yp
Maw: 9yb - 5yp
Mer: 9yb - 5yp
Iau: 9yb - 5yp
Gwe: 9yb - 5yp
Sad: 9yb - 5yp

Diheintydd Dwylo

Rydym wedi sefydlu gorsafoedd glanweithio dwylo wrth fynedfeydd y ddwy siop fel y gall cwsmeriaid lanhau eu dwylo cyn mynd i mewn i'r adeiladau. Mae'r gorsafoedd glanweithio dwylo yn cael eu gwirio'n rheolaidd i sicrhau bod y peiriannau wedi llenwi yn ddigonol. Bydd gan aelodau staff fynediad at eu hoffer glanweithio eu hunain fel bod y siawns o groeshalogi yn cael ei gadw i'r lleiafswm. Mae'r diheintydd dwylo rydyn ni wedi'i brynu yn glanweithydd gradd feddygol sydd â chynnwys alcohol uchel, sy'n gallu lladd y coronafirws sawl gwaith drosodd.

Canllawiau Pellter

Dylai ein system unffordd (sydd wedi'i marcio'n glir) helpu cwsmeriaid i lywio'r ddwy siop heb fawr o gyswllt â'i gilydd. Bydd 133 Stryd Fawr (dodrefn a gwelyau) yn gweld cwsmeriaid yn mynd i mewn trwy'r brif fynedfa ac yn dilyn llwybr wedi'i farcio gan saethau a thâp egwyl-2-fetr trwy'r ystafell arddangos, ac yna'n gadael ger yr ardal til trwy ddrws gwahanol. Bydd hyn yn golygu na fydd gan gwsmeriaid unrhyw gyswllt o gwbl â'i gilydd, ac felly'n lleihau'r risg o ledaenu'r coronafirws. Yn 150 Stryd Fawr (dodrefn meddal a charpedi), mae'r stori yn debyg iawn, ac eithrio gofynnir i gwsmeriaid fynd i mewn ac allan trwy'r un drws. Er mwyn brwydro yn erbyn yr ardal fach hon o risg uwch, rydym wedi tynnu rhai arddangosfeydd o'r fynedfa i 150 Stryd Fawr, sydd yn golygu fydd gan gwsmeriaid sy'n croesi basio ei gilydd wrth gadw at y rheol pellter 2 fetr.

Gwarchodwyr Tisian

Rydym wedi gosod gwarchodwyr tisian gwydr o flaen y ddau dâl er mwyn amddiffyn ein cwsmeriaid a'n haelodau staff. Mae gan y gwarchodwyr agoriadau bach ar y gwaelod er mwyn lleihau'r cyswllt y mae'r cwsmer yn ei gael gydag aelod o staff. Mae'r agoriadau yn debyg i'r rhai a welir mewn swyddfeydd post a banciau; maent yn caniatáu i'r cwsmer ac aelod o staff gyfathrebu wrth leihau'r risg o grebachiad coronafirws.

Gorchuddion Wyneb

Mae cyngor gwyddonol ar orchuddion wyneb yn gymysg. Fel fod y pandemig wedi agor, mae'n ymddangos bod mwy a mwy o arsylwadau gwyddonol yn awgrymu fod orchuddion wyneb yn ddefnyddiol, yn bennaf oherwydd bod gwisgo mwgwd yn annog pobl i beidio â chyffwrdd â'u hwyneb. Byddem yn annog cwsmeriaid i wisgo masgiau wyneb os ydynt ar gael, yn enwedig os yw'r siopau'n brysur yn ystod eich ymweliad. Mewn sefyllfa o argyfwng, byddem yn darparu gorchuddion wyneb i chi.


Yn debyg iawn i orchuddion wyneb, mae menig yn destun dadl wyddonol. Mae'n consensws cyffredinol y gall gwisgo menig fod yn effeithiol wrth frwydro yn erbyn lledaeniad coronafirws, fodd bynnag, derbynnir yn eang bod golchi dwylo'n rheolaidd gyda glanweithydd neu sebon yn fesur mwy effeithiol. Dyna pam y gwnaethom benderfynu sefydlu gorsafoedd glanweithio dwylo wrth y mynedfeydd, yn hytrach na dosbarthu menig. Mae croeso mawr i gwsmeriaid wisgo menig yn y siop, er y byddem yn annog defnyddio glanweithydd hefyd.


Rydym yn parhau i dderbyn yr holl brif gardiau, sieciau, trosglwyddiadau banc ac arian parod. Rydym yn annog ein cwsmeriaid i dalu gan ddefnyddio dull talu digyswllt lle bo hynny'n bosibl.

Diddorol? - Rhannwch

by Quaeck's 20 May 2021
by Quaeck's 31 March 2021
An opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic person looking to work for one of Gwynedd’s oldest family-run businesses. You’ll be responsible for delivering/assembling furniture to our customers in and around Gwynedd. Previous experience as a delivery driver and the ability to converse in Welsh is desirable but not essential. Ongoing training will be provided.
by Quaeck's 28 December 2020
Diweddariad sydyn ar gyfar y blwyddyn newydd.
by Quaeck's 28 December 2020
A quick update from Quaeck's regarding the new year.
by Quaeck's 23 October 2020
Our shops will be CLOSED from the 24/10 for 17 days, but our offices will remain open as usual for any telephone, email or social media enquiry. Where it is safe and/or of essential need, we will continue to deliver furniture and perform fittings to the best of our ability. Thank you for your patience. - Bydd ein siopau AR GAU o'r 24/10 am 17 diwrnod, ond bydd ein swyddfeydd yn aros ar agor fel arfer ar gyfer unrhyw ymholiad. Lle mae'n ddiogel ac/neu o angen hanfodol, byddwn yn parhau i ddosbarthu dodrefn a pherfformio ffitiadau. Diolch am eich amynedd
Quaeck's Coronavirus Safety Measures
by Quaeck's 19 June 2020
Fersiwn Gymraeg The coronavirus pandemic has made life unfamiliar and, often times, very difficult. We wish to send our condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one before their time during this global crisis. In a bid to gradually return to normal, governments across the UK are implementing changes to lockdown restrictions in an attempt to re-start the economy which has remain stagnant for an unprecedented quarter of a year. Today, the Welsh government announced that non-essential retail shops can open from the 22nd of June, provided they have put forward safety measures in order to limit the spread of the virus. Although we are classified as 'home & furniture' retailers and thus have been allowed to open for a few weeks now, we felt that we needed time to implement our safety measures thoroughly in order to make Quaeck's a covid safe environment for our customers and members of staff. We are pleased to announce that Quaeck's will be re-opening it's doors to the public on the 22nd of June, after being closed for the first time in our 70 year history . Our opening hours will be as they were before, but this will be constantly reviewed.
Alarm clock and person with insomnia
by Quaeck's 23 May 2020
More people admit they’re unhappy with the quality of their sleep and the effect it is having on their ability to function daily, according to a survey conducted by a collaboration involving The Sleep Charity and Sleepstation . The team surveyed more than 2,700 people - five weeks into the UK's lockdown - to find out the current state of the nation’s sleep. The National Sleep Survey findings revealed: Close to half of the respondents ( 43% ) are now finding it harder to fall asleep Unease around the current situation negatively affects sleep for three quarters of people ( 75% ) More than one in 10 people ( 12% ) are experiencing severe symptoms of depression Women were much more likely to report depressive symptoms in the moderate-severe range than men Alarmingly over three quarters ( 77% ) say lack of sleep is interfering with their ability to function in the day Women are suffering more than men with anxiety around coronavirus Women are twice as likely to report feeling stressed compared to men More than a third ( 33% ) of participants are experiencing more vivid dreams Women also report having more vivid dreams Sleeping well is crucial to our physical and mental health and well-being. With people experiencing signs of depression and reporting that lack of sleep is impacting on their mood, concentration and how tired they feel in the day, The Sleep Council are suggesting the government to take action. "We have been exposed to lots of government advice around diet, exercise and how to look after our mental health during these challenging times. However, we’ve not heard anything concrete around sleep – and it has never been more important." - Sleep Council The survey also suggested that the coronavirus was affecting all aspects of sleep. Nearly four in 10 people ( 39% ) are now going to bed later On average, the duration of sleep participants got each night is shorter than normal Nearly a third of participants ( 30% ) are waking up earlier than normal Significantly, women find it harder to fall asleep ( 46% ) with men more likely to report no change to sleep duration Five weeks into lockdown, close to half ( 45% ) found there is no change to how difficult they find it to stay asleep. However, the other half ( 46% ) of respondents found that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to stay asleep, suggesting that this problem could get worse as lockdown continues. And women ( 40% ) – who already find it harder to fall asleep – also have greater difficulty staying asleep than men ( 33% ). Given that millions of Britons have been impacted by the coronavirus in some way, it’s no wonder three quarters of those surveyed feel ‘ corona-anxiety ’ is affecting their sleep. Women ( 41% ) are almost twice as likely to report this feeling than men ( 26% ) – this may be down to juggling ‘ home schooling ’ and working from home. Sleep is hard when anxiety levels are high it seems. The survey findings come amid rising concern that these unprecedented times are causing a surge in sleep issues . A lack of support, or lack of awareness of the help available for those issues, could have a lasting impact on the people of Britain. Not surprisingly, an inconsistent sleep schedule, coupled with stress , is leading to a number of issues around sleep . What the Sleep Council found most troubling to learn was that more than half of the respondents were unsure where to go for help. With 41% of participants clamming to have a sleep problem, this is of particular concern for services that are ready and able to offer help. Below (click the gold text) are some websites that might help you if you have experienced any sleep problems lately.
The Envirotech 1800 Eco-Friendly Mattress by Healthbeds
by Quaeck's 9 May 2020
The Smeaton Brothers have been manufacturing innovative mattresses for years, but no-one in the industry expected this. A mattress made using recycled plastic bottles, recovered from the planet's polluted seas.
Quaeck's Furnishers Instagram - @quaecks
by Quaeck's 24 April 2020
It's an exciting time for us at Quaeck's Furnishers. We're pleased to be launching our BRAND NEW Instagram account, bringing the shop closer to you than ever before! Here are our latest post on the platform:
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